
Juniper, organic Slovenia

100% pure and natural essential oil

Botanical name: Juniperus communis

Plant Part: fruits

Extraction method: steam distilled

Origin: Slovenia


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Crop type: 
Certified organic culture
Juniperus communis wood oil
Product code: EAB486265

Cautions and warnings:
Do not use pure essential oils. Essential oils are diluted in a vegetable oil when applied to the skin. Carry out a skin tolerance test in the crook of your elbow and wait 48 hours before using the oil on the skin. Do not use the essential oil if you notice a reaction such as redness, itching or stinging.
Keep out of reach of children.
If accidental ingestion occurs, seek urgent medical attention or contact a Poison Control Center.
Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Essential oils should not be applied to the eyes, the eye contour area, neither into the ears. In case of contact, apply a plenty of vegetable oil and take promptly medical advice.
If symptoms persist or worsen when using essential oil, consult a health care practitioner.
If you have epilepsy or asthma, consult a health care practitioner prior to use.
Avoid exposure of applied area(s) to the sun.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use essential oils.
Known adverse reactions:
If you experience nausea, dizziness, headache or an allergic reaction, discontinue use.
Store in airtight, light-resistant container at room temperature.
The information contained on our site is presented purely for information purposes and cannot, in any case, bind the responsibility of the company. In no way does this information constitute a recommendation for preventive or curative treatment, prescription or diagnosis, nor should it be considered as such.

Words by Mikaël


To liberate oneself in order to build oneself better: the juniper gives the implusion of a metamorphosis towards a new self, more confident, more serene, more loving towards itself.

The inner force returns: one dares to express and to exteriorize oneself.

Antalgic, anti-inflammatory (rheumatism).

Words by Anny Schneider

The essential oil of common juniper is recognized as a powerful diuretic but also an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effective against muscle and joint pain.

The oil extracted from juniper twigs has strong healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The common juniper is one of the major components for cellulite synergies, especially for constitutions that tend to water retention.

By adding common juniper essential oil in a massage oil, the lymphatic detoxification process is greatly improved.

Origin of this essential oil

This organic essential oil of common juniper from Slovenia is distilled from the twigs of the tree.


Keep away from children, air, heat and light.
  • Do not use if pregnant
  • Do not use if you have kidney failure

More information

The common juniper belongs to the Cupressaceae family, an important and ancient lineage among conifers.

The common juniper is a bushy shrub, measuring 1 to 6 meters in height, widespread in mountainous regions, moors and clearings throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Its leaves, very narrow and whorled by three, end in a sharp point, reminiscent of finely chiseled needles.

The fruiting cones, fleshy and globular, measure 4 to 8 millimeters in diameter. Initially green, they become bluish-black and are covered with wax when ripe.

On the same plant, we can find green and black berries, because they take three years to reach maturity.

Since time immemorial, the common juniper has been surrounded by mysteries and beliefs.

Thrown into the fire, its twigs were believed to ward off evil spirits, a practice still attested in the monasteries of the Himalayas.

It was also burned to ward off the plague, testifying to its protective role in ancient societies.

The fruits of Juniperus communis are used in folk medicine to treat skin infections, itching and psoriasis, highlighting its healing properties.

The fruiting cones, often called "juniper berries", as well as the essential oil extracted from the twigs and berries, are the most commonly used parts.

These precious elements are carefully harvested for their many therapeutic and aromatic virtues.


The common juniper (Juniperus communis) is a plant with multiple uses, both in the medicinal, culinary, cosmetic and spiritual fields. Here are some of its possible uses:

Medicinal Uses

1. Skin Infections: Juniper berries are used to treat various skin infections, including itching and psoriasis.

2. Diuretic: Juniper berries are known for their diuretic properties, helping to eliminate toxins and promote kidney function.

3. Antiseptic: Juniper essential oil is used for its antiseptic properties, helping to prevent infections.

4. Digestive: Juniper berries can be used to improve digestion and relieve digestive disorders.

5. Antirheumatic: Juniper essential oil is sometimes used to relieve rheumatic pain.


Cosmetic Uses

1. Perfumes: Juniper essential oil is used in the manufacture of perfumes for its distinctive aroma with woody and refreshing notes.

2. Skin Care: The antiseptic and astringent properties of juniper essential oil make it a useful ingredient in skin care products.

3. Cleaning Products: The antiseptic properties of juniper essential oil make it a useful ingredient in some natural cleaning products.


Spiritual and Traditional Uses

1. Purification: Juniper twigs are burned to purify the air and ward off evil spirits, a practice still observed in some Himalayan monasteries.

2. Protection: Juniper is used in various traditions for its protective properties, including warding off illness and negative influences.



It is important to note that while common juniper has many beneficial uses, it should be used with caution.

Juniper berries can be toxic in large quantities and should not be consumed by pregnant women or people with kidney problems.

For further information about this product or to inquire about larger quantities, please send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The availability and price of this product may vary without prior notice, if for some reason the quantity you have requested is currently unavailable, we will contact you shortly to discuss the best options to fulfill your needs.


* L’aromathérapie énergétique - Lydia Bosson

* L’aromathérapie exactement - Pierre Franchomme, Roger Jolis et Daniel Pénoël

* L’aromathérapie, Se soigner par les huiles essentielles - Dr Valnet

The information on this website is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or medical condition. This information has been gathered from a variety of sources and has not been review by Health Canada or a medical professional. Please refer to a qualified health practitioner or medical doctor for any health concerns. ZAYAT AROMA cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this information or our products. See full disclaimer.
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