Essential Oils of Quebec - VÉRONIK TANGUAY (French only)

Essential Oils of Quebec - VÉRONIK TANGUAY (French only)


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We are honoured and thrilled to unveil this BRAND NEW BOOK of author Véronik Tanguay "Les Huiles Essentielles Du Québec - À la découverte de leurs usages et bienfaits" with a great preface of renowned herbalist Anny Schneider! 

Link to assist person to buy a copy directly by VÉRONIK TANGUAY: Facebook event link:

This complete and accessible guide invites you to discover 40 Quebec essential oils with unsuspected uses and therapeutic benefits.

This book also explains how to use aromatherapy on a daily basis and in complete safety (prevention, relief, energetic support, etc.).

But that's not all! You will also find several very simple medicinal preparations to treat various health problems affecting the whole family.

Yarrow, white spruce, common juniper, hops, true lavender, peppermint, St. John's wort, balsam fir, Labrador tea, goldenrod...

The Quebec terroir is full of aromatic treasures that we can enjoy every day!

Aromatherapist, naturopath and accredited herbalist-therapist, VÉRONIK TANGUAY co-founded the Académie Jardin de Vie in 2001 with Mikaël Zayat, a training center in integral health established in Estrie. She created a diploma aromatherapist and accompanies many people in therapeutic consultations.

Extract: "Achillée millefeuille, épinette blanche, genévrier commun, houblon, lavande vraie, menthe poivrée, millepertuis, sapin baumier, thé du labrador, verge d'or... Le terroir québécois regorge de trésors aromatiques dont on peut profiter chaque jour." 


Groupe Livre Québecor (Book Group).

ISBN 978-2-7619-6297-1

IMPORTANT NOTE: This book is only offered in French at moment. 

Link for online video :


--Link for online course promo with Natura:

--Link for the website of Academy Garden of Life:

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